Twenty-three-year-old Brett Overshiner hails from waterfowl-rich Sonoma County, California, where he and his business partner, Cole Gossner, own and operate Wild West Outfitters. During his 107-day season, he spends a significant amount of time chasing coastal mallards. However, it’s snows and specklebellies that the young man focuses on with a passion far beyond his years. Working in conjunction with Rich Peterson, the man behind Kwakman Calls, Overshiner helped design the Wild West Speck Hunter call, a popular tool for many bar-belly hunters.
That realistic-sounding goose call is only one piece of gear Overshiner uses for more than 100 straight days each season. The young guide has an arsenal of effective, reliable, and rugged gear. Below, Overshiner shares the equipment he packs into the field, starting in September and rounding out in early March.
Franchi Affinity 3 Elite 20 Gauge
My go-to shotgun is the Franchi Affinity 3 Elite 20 gauge. It was my brother’s shotgun, but he wasn’t too happy with it. He brought it on a hunt, and I asked him to shoot it. I killed the first three birds I shot at, so I told him, "Hey, if you don’t like this, I’ll buy it from you." I’ve shot cheaper shotguns and I’ve shot Benelli autoloaders. But I’ve been really happy with the Affinity 3 and haven’t wanted to pick anything else up since shooting it.
Carlson Chokes Cremator Mid-Range
I ran the Carlson Cremator Mid-Range choke tube in both of my previous shotguns before picking up the Franchi. The only problem I ever had was that one choke tube cracked on my 12 gauge. I contacted Carlson, and sent them a picture of it. They immediately sent me one in the mail. The company has a really good warranty with their product. In fact, I picked up a second one just to have.
Boss 3”/Migra/ HEVI-Hammer
Because I’m shooting a 20 gauge, I shoot bismuth when I can. I buy 3-inch BOSS shotshells in either straight 3 shot or the 3/5 blend. For steel, I shoot a lot of Migra 4 shot. I’m also a big fan of HEVI-Shot’s HEVI-Hammer, which is a mixed steel/bismuth load. I shoot that in straight 2 or 3 shot.
Kwakman Calls One Duck Call
My duck call is an early Kwakman Calls prototype that now goes by the name One. It’s a single reed call that's super loud, but can get quiet when needed. It is probably the most realistic-sounding duck call I’ve ever blown, or at least when I use it.
Kwakman Calls Deadly Descent Goose Call
For Canadas, I blow an older Kwakman Calls 3G, which I believe Rich [Peterson] replaced with a current model called ‘The Goose.’ It’s a great call. It has an aluminum insert, so it’s super loud and super crisp, but you can still quiet it down, especially if you close up that front hand.
Kwakman Wild West Speck Hunter
I’m running the Wild West Speck Hunter, also from Kwakman Calls. It’s a call that Rich and I worked on together. What do I like best about it? It’s super easy to blow, and you can call multiple species of geese with it. Mine sounds amazing as a specklebelly call, but I can also do snows and cacklers. It’s very versatile and the only 3-in-1 goose call I’ve ever found.

550 Paracord DIY Lanyard
I got into braiding lanyards a while back because I couldn’t find one I liked. Every time I bought one, it was either too long or the droppers weren’t where I wanted them. When we’re on our backs in layout blinds or kick-backs under snow goose decoys, lanyards that are too long slide off your chest and almost underneath you, which means they’re either in the mud or you have to dig for them. I like my lanyard tight to my neck. And I added a buckle to mine, so I can clip it behind my neck without going over my head.
Sitka Timber Pack/Rig ‘Em Right Layout Console
For a blind bag, I’m using Sitka’s Timber Pack. I know I’m not hunting timber, but I like the design. It’s an open concept with a couple of pouches, and I’ll put my calls in one of those. It also has a couple of water bottle pouches on the side. Inside that pack, I have Rig ‘Em Right’s Layout Console for shotshells and a cup holder. I’ll take that out every day and have that next to me in the blind. It’s a super small system.
LaCrosse Hip Boots with Sitka Bibs
Ninety-nine percent of the time around here, our water isn’t any deeper than your knees. So I’m wearing a LaCrosse hip boot that straps to your belt. I pair those with a set of Sitka Hudson bibs. I’ve worn that combination for two seasons now, and I’m super stoked with it. It’s a bit on the tight side, so if you go that route, I’d suggest upsizing a little. But I will get a set of Sitka waders in the next year or so.
LaCrosse Alpha Burly Mud Boots
When I'm dry-field goose hunting, I wear LaCrosse Alpha Burly boots. They’re super comfortable. I’m on my second or third pair. The only complaint I have is that the insole is super thin. You put ‘em on, and the insole bunches up at your toes. Take ‘em off, and it’s bunched up at your heel. I’ve been a huge fan of Hey Dude Shoes for the past couple of years, and the insole in some of their shoes is super soft. They also fit perfectly in the Alpha Burly boot, so I put a pair of those insoles in this boot and haven’t taken ‘em out.
Sitka Dewpoint Jacket and Dakota Vest
I use the Sitka Dewpoint Jacket—their big game hunting rain jacket—for both big game and waterfowl hunting. It’s packable and lightweight, and I can layer it with the Dakota Vest. Because of how the Dewpoint's hood is shaped, that system keeps me drier than I’d be with a specific waterfowl hunting jacket.
Dive Bomb Hy-Vert and Dive Bomb lowPRO Layout
We have some older Tanglefree layout blinds and Roger’s Sporting Goods layouts. The newest we have is Dive Bomb’s lowPRO layout blind. It is comfortable and super easy to put together. I like the Tanglefree layout blinds for their size and comfort, but they’re a little tough to set up. The pins are the same size as the (pin) holes, and once the pins rust, they don’t want to fit. We do occasionally use A-frame style blinds. There’s not a whole lot of tall cover around our fields, but we can sometimes put them in a ditch if it’s not full of water. Or a tree- or brush-line. We also use the Dive Bomb HyVerts.
Vortex Razor UHD 10x42 Binocular
When I'm scouting, I pack the Vortex Razor UHD 10x42. That’s the same binocular I use for deer hunting. I also have an older set of Vortex Diamondback HD 10x50 binos that sit on the dash in case I need to use them real quick.
Rice Krispy Treats
Rice Krispy Treats are my favorite field snack. And any jerked meat, whether homemade venison jerky or just a pack from the store. I’m a big fan of protein; however, I’m a sucker for Rice Krispy Treats and have had those in my blind bag for years.