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[TEST] Welcome to Opening Day of the New F&S Print Journal!

Back in late January, when I shared the good news that Field & Stream was reviving the print publication, I compared the occasion to the excitement and anticipation that we hunters and anglers experience on an opening day.

[TEST] Welcome to Opening Day of the New F&S Print Journal!

Back in late January, when I shared the good news that Field & Stream was reviving the print publication, I compared the occasion to the excitement and anticipation that we hunters and anglers experience on an opening day. Five months later, that comparison feels even more on point. Because today—finally, after nearly four years since the last issue of F&S appeared in mailboxes—thousands of readers across the country are opening their copy of the all-new Field & Stream journal.

If you haven’t opened your issue yet—or are still on the fence as to whether or not you want to own a copy of this collector’s edition, which you can do by either becoming a member of the 1871 Club or by purchasing a single copy—here’s a sneak peek at the issue. teststst