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Brown Trout 101: Biology, Habitat, and Fishing Tactics

Learn how to catch brown trout in freestone streams, lake run tributaries, and stillwater lakes. Here's everything you need to know about one of the most popular gamefish in the world
Fisherman holds up brown trout
Brown trout are found in almost every state in the country. (Photo/ Nick Boehme)

Brown Trout 101: Biology, Habitat, and Fishing Tactics

If you think about fly fishing or river fishing in general, chances are that a brown trout comes to mind. Catching a big brown is the pinnacle for many trout anglers, whether fishing with fly gear or conventional tackle. Of course, a brown trout's size is relative to where and when you fish. Even small browns have a way of getting anglers excited to hit the water, especially when they're colored up. These predatory fish can be found in freestone creeks, big rivers, and large lakes. The widespread accessibility of the species and their hard-fighting nature make them one of the best freshwater gamefish.

I became obsessed with brown trout a long time ago. Given my addiction to fly fishing, it was a natural progression. Over the years, I've gone through different stages of chasing these fish. After learning how to catch a bunch at my local stream, I only wanted to catch big browns, then I only wanted to catch wild browns, and then I got into lake run browns. Then I started traveling to fish for brown trout and eventually ended up right where I began—loving to catch any brown trout willing to take my fly. Through both my experiences and time studying fisheries biology, I learned quite a bit about the species. Below is a beginner's guide to brown trout, including important biology, history, and habitat preferences to help you land your biggest brown ever.

Fly fisherman holds up wild brown trout
A 26-inch wild brown trout caught in central Pennsylvania. (Photo/Max Inchausti)

Brown Trout Appearance and Biology

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) are members of the salmonid family and are synonymous with rivers and streams. Their bright yellow colors, vibrant spot patterns, and large size are coveted by anglers. Add in their aggressive and territorial behavior, and it’s easy to see what makes brown trout so appealing to anglers.

Throughout their range, anglers can find both wild and stocked populations. Differentiating the two can be tricky, but there are a few key signs to look for. Wild brown trout display vibrant gold-yellow colorations with distinct spots. The spots on wild fish are fairly spaced out and have clear, defined circles. Stocked fish will also have spots, but often, the spots bleed together and form small lines. Though the biggest giveaway for identifying a wild fish is fin shape. Wild fish will have round seashell-shaped fins, while stocked fish will have smaller, worn-down fins from living in concrete raceways at the hatchery. Another distinct characteristic of wild fish is a small halo-shaped dot behind the eye with a blue coloration.

History and Habitat

Brown trout are native to most of Europe and parts of Asia. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1860s that brown trout made their way to North America. Europeans missing the fisheries they were familiar with, transported brown trout eggs from Germany to New York. Since then, the expansion has been rapid, with brown trout populations exploding across the states. These territorial fish have done an excellent job adapting to new water bodies and outcompeting existing species.

Compared to other trout species, brown trout are the heartiest. They can survive in water temperatures up to 75 degrees, much higher than native trout species like brookies. This ability to adapt has contributed to their widespread distribution across the continent and into water bodies that other trout can’t survive in. Where summer temperatures get very warm, like in southern states, brown trout have become the preferred trout species to stock due to their survivability.

Brown Trout Fishing Tips and Tactics

When brown trout grow big, they become extremely smart and wary. Fooling these fish requires a lot of patience, the best techniques, and the right gear. Since you can target browns in very different fisheries, we broke down tactics to reflect these specific bodies of water. Below you'll find tips for fishing in rivers and streams, stillwaters, and lake run tributaries.

Angler holds brown trout over water
A wild brown trout caught in Southern Colorado. (Photo/Max Inchausti)

Rivers and Streams

The core of trout fishing is standing in the river, rod in hand, trying to trick a wary trout into biting. Whether fly fishing or using conventional tackle, river browns present abundant opportunities, fight hard, and grow to impressive sizes. They eat a varied diet and, with that, can be caught using a number of different techniques. Perhaps the most effective is fly fishing. With different setups, anglers can imitate small baitfish, aquatic nymphs, and even rodents. On the conventional side, jerkbaits, small worm-like plastics, and eggs are all staples. If you do find yourself fishing hard-bodied lures and practicing catch and release, it’s a good idea to replace the treble hooks with single hooks. These are much easier on the fish and will increase their chances of survival.

Regardless of how you choose to fish, the key to successfully catching trout in streams and rivers is reading water. Look for pools, deep riffles, and any area that offers a current break. Brown trout will sit and wait for food to come to them. They use rocks, logs, and eddies as a means to conserve energy. When food drifts by a waiting fish, it will pop out, eat, and return to its shelter. While brown trout will be all throughout a river, these areas usually hold the majority of fish and can maximize your opportunities.

For anglers on a quest for a true trophy brown trout (over 20 inches), fish at night. Once browns near the 20-inch mark, many become nocturnal. I’ve fished areas during the day that look like they should hold a big fish without a nibble, only to come back in the dark and find it humming with life. These fish will key in on larger food sources and use the cover of dark to ambush their prey. If you know what bait is in your river system, match it. Otherwise, mouse patterns are the best bet for summer, and black baitfish patterns are effective year-round.

Stillwater Fishing

Across the various lakes and ponds exists exceptional brown trout stillwater fishing. Like their river counterparts, they require their own set of techniques. The first is float fishing. Whether conventional fishing or fly fishing, presenting your fly or lure under a float is incredibly effective. It suspends in front of the fish as they pass by, enticing them to bite. For fly anglers, chironomids and leeches are the preferred patterns. These are readily found in most water bodies and make up a large percentage of a brown trout’s diet. For conventional anglers, small lures like trout magnets are a great choice to mimic natural food sources with the added benefit of some scent. Other great options are live bait, like worms, minnows, and leeches.

Moving baits can also be incredibly effective in stillwater fisheries. For fly anglers, this means streamer fishing. Depending on the fly, these can mimic anything from baitfish to small leeches. Cast them in likely areas and strip until a fish takes your fly. On the conventional side of things, jerkbaits and crankbaits mimic baitfish and can cover a variety of water depths. Jigging spoons are another great lure that can be fished in any water depth. To find fish in stillwater fisheries, target likely edges and weed beds that hold bait and act as ambush points for brown trout.

Lake Run Fishing

Angler holds up big brown trout while kneeling in a river
A 30-inch lake run brown trout caught in Western New York. (Photo/Ryan Chelius)

For anglers looking to catch a true giant brown trout, lake run fishing offers excellent opportunities. Lake run fish spend the majority of their life growing to large sizes in big bodies of water and will run into rivers and tributaries to spawn. In early fall, during the pre-spawn, trout move into rivers. This is the best time to fish. Browns are looking to gorge themselves and often key in on the fattiest food source—eggs. Use egg sacs, bead rigs, or egg flies to consistently fool these fish and hold on for when a big fish takes. It is not uncommon for a fish to reach 30 inches, like the one pictured above. That said, fishing these small streams and rivers comes with angler responsibility. The fish are in the river to spawn, and when fish are on reds (small gravel patches they spawn on), do not fish for them. These fish are crucial for future generations of browns.