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Bring the Adventure Home | 1871 Club Print Membership Now Only $35 - Delivered Right to Your Door, Subscribe Today
Brett Puryear is a fiction and outdoor sporting writer from Chattanooga, Tennessee and based in Missoula, Montana. He’s a passionate fly fisherman who has contributed essays and reportage to Field & Stream, Sporting Classics, Men’s Journal and Wildsam Field Guides on subjects ranging from fishing, conservation, photography and cooking. He’s also published fiction in numerous literary journals and works for a small, family-run distillery in Montana
Serious fly fisherman
Contributor at F&S
Leading contributor for the Wildsam Western Montana Field Guide
Puryear earned his MFA in Fiction from the University of Montana.
Puryear has taught English and Creative Writing in Montana, Tennessee, and Washington DC. His writing experience is extremely diverse: In addition to outdoor journalism, his fiction appears in The Iowa Review, CutBank Literary Magazine, Deep South Magazine, Storyscape Journal, and many others. He’s a scriptwriter for an upcoming horror podcast. He’s worked as an editor for literary journals, photo-essayist for Field & Stream, and a ghostwriter.
Puryear is a singer-songwriter who gigs regularly in Montana and throughout the northwest, and his collaborations with singer William Russell Wallace can be found on Spotify and most other music streaming platforms.