Bob (1)
Contributing Writer

Bob Beacham

Bob Beacham

Bob Beacham comes from a farming and hunting background, and has always had a passion for the great outdoors. A varied career has seen him train as an engineer, renovate derelict properties, and run his own woodshop. He now divides his time between contract work, and writing articles that share his practical experiences. He currently lives in Spain with his wife, and two cats who are fascinated by the local lizard population.


  • Expert on outdoor apparel and survival gear

  • Author of numerous tool and equipment guides


Beacham went to school in the UK, and graduated from Buckinghamshire College with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering.


Beacham has been a freelance contributor to a variety of leading online publications for more than fifteen years. His work for Field & Stream takes from his work experience and leisure activities. Most weekends will find him hiking in the forests and hills around his home or exploring further afield. He has traveled throughout Europe, and enjoys skiing in the winter.

Fun Fact

Beacham is involved in an ongoing struggle with a Flamenco guitar. There are tunes in there somewhere. He believes he may be the last person on the planet without social media accounts.

Notable Work