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Perhaps this week’s winner in our ongoing vintage tackle contest
straddles the line of what many consider “tackle,” but it’s still vintage, can be used when fishing, and I bet is something that will bring back memories for some of you. It also came with a great story from Lad Moore, who submitted the photo and wrote:
I inherited this Thermos from my father-in-law after he passed away. I can imagine a frosty morning on nearby Caddo Lake where he loved to fish. He had this thermos in a picnic basket along with his favorite lunch, a pimento-cheese sandwich, a can of sardines, and soda crackers.
That paints a nice picture, Lad. I can remember sharing cold iced tea from my grandfather’s similar Thermos, though his wasn’t adorned with gamefish. Let’s see what vintage tackle expert Dr. Todd Larson of The Whitefish Press
and “Fishing For History” blog
, had to say about your treasure.
_“What you have is an excellent example of a 1950s Aladdin Angler Thermos, manufactured by Aladdin Industries, Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee. Aladdin made a lot of Thermoses and lunch boxes over the years, but is probably best known for their picture lunch boxes like the Hopalong Cassidy and Space Cadet models that bring big prices at auction. This neat thermos utilized their “Sweet Seal” stopper and was offered in two sizes (pint and quart) by itself and as part of a “workman’s lunch kit.” They are still surprisingly usable even today. In nice condition, the Aladdin Angler is worth $15-$25 and slightly more if found in the original box. To see such an example, as well as a couple of Aladdin ads from the 1950s, click here

If I were you, I’d top this off with hot coffee every time you go fishing and drink a quick toast to your father-in-law. Who knows, it might even bring you good luck. Thanks for the story and the photos, Lad. Your new pliers are on the way!
If you’ve already sent me photos of your vintage tackle, keep checking every Thursday to see if I chose it for an appraisal by Dr. Todd. If you haven’t and want to enter the contest, email photos of your old tackle to fstackle@gmail.com
, along with your name, mailing address, and story of how you acquired the gear. If I use it in a Thursday post, you get a pair of Berkley Aluminum Pliers